This is a part of the Selva rNPC quest, Bahamas and Gavin quest should be completed.
Taken from this website:
Step 1:
Tierra Putrefecta - Run to D8 to activate the quest.
Step 2:
Bahamas Eternity Swamp - go to the witch house, talk to Eleonor.
Step 3:
Bahamas Base Camp - talk to pioneering officer Igorni. He will ask you to look 3 type of items
Step 4:
Tierra Putrefecta - go to these location for the 3 items
Stone Leaf at D8
Stone Flower at C4
Stone sword at D/E7
Bahamas Base Camp - go back to Igorni again to get 1 Exp Card (14million exp) and Epic Glazium
NOTE: from here onwards, you should have at least 20 amethyst pieceStep 5:
Internia De Bahia
is best to collect 20 amethyst piece first.
now enter the dungeon from tierra
- travel to H/I 2/3 to activate the quest
- now enter the warp using 10 ame piece
- travel to D/E 7/8 to activate next part of the quest
- travel to H/I 2/3 again to activate the next quest - Editted for BloodHand to prevent any more ppl's hair-loss
- after this part, you will be teleported outside and require to enter the warp again
- now enter with 10 ame peice again
- travel all the way to H10 for the final part of the quest. once this done, if my source is correct, selva quest will be unlocked in the
new version and ready for us to continue our questing.
please take note, do not die/fail in the quest else u need to re-enter the warp gate with amethyst peice again (annoying).